Question: What were the reasons for  the Israelites’ constant complaints against Moses and Aaron?


The shortages of food and water, and the fact that they had plenty of everything in Egypt, except freedom.  They also were somewhat infiltrated with Idolatry, which was one of the main purposes of Almighty God to get them released from Egypt and Pharaoh's influence, to be able to grow into a Nation proper.

Also they resented the authority of Moses etc., and even still do resent truth in the form of God’s Will for them in Christ Jesus Messiah!

Because of their final rejection of Messiah Jesus at Acts 28:25–28; they are now in a temporary state of “Lo-Ammi” (not My people) until the events of Zech.12:10!

As they are now looking as per. the prophecy of Matt. 24:32; (the Fig tree), they may soon be ready for the time of “Jacob's” Trouble; after or during which Christ Jesus Messiah will rescue them from their earthly enemies; (Ezek. 39:21–29)!

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